‘And just as when you make a rope, it's the way the fibers twist around one another, that gives the rope its tensile strength’ (Tim Ingold)
Real social activity has value in today's world, where many of our connections are maintained on social networks due to technological development, which is ever-expanding. It becomes of great importance to find ways to balance that by actively connecting with others near us, in our physical communities.
And that is where the communication tool which handicrafts naturally possess, comes into play - it gives us real threads to make ties.
CroChat (from crochet and chat) is an artistic platform for workshops, courses, and on-site participatory art projects, that is anchored in the meeting point of craft and community. It uses the unique power of the crochet technique as a tool to create new communication channels between people.
In my research, I identified handicrafts as a necessary tool in shaping past traditions anew, as an organic intergenerational bridge and as a universal language that can transcend boundaries created by national languages and cultures.
And thus a CroChat meeting acts as an adult playground where sand and swings are replaced by colorful threads and needles, allowing us to tie new knots with one another, all the while connecting to our creative-self and enjoying relaxation and a feeling of freedom that the power of making is able to unlock.
In other words, the workshops are an invitation to (re)use our hands, create together, and re-experience a different way of communication, one based on and guided by making.
‘And just as when you make a rope, it's the way the fibers twist around one another, that gives the rope its tensile strength’ (Tim Ingold)
Real social activity has value in today's world, where many of our connections are maintained on social networks due to technological development, which is ever-expanding. It becomes of great importance to find ways to balance that by actively connecting with others near us, in our physical communities.
And that is where the communication tool which handicrafts naturally possess, comes into play - it gives us real threads to make ties.
CroChat (from crochet and chat) is an artistic platform for workshops, courses, and on-site participatory art projects, that is anchored in the meeting point of craft and community. It uses the unique power of the crochet technique as a tool to create new communication channels between people.
In my research, I identified handicrafts as a necessary tool in shaping past traditions anew, as an organic intergenerational bridge and as a universal language that can transcend boundaries created by national languages and cultures.
And thus a CroChat meeting acts as an adult playground where sand and swings are replaced by colorful threads and needles, allowing us to tie new knots with one another, all the while connecting to our creative-self and enjoying relaxation and a feeling of freedom that the power of making is able to unlock.
In other words, the workshops are an invitation to (re)use our hands, create together, and re-experience a different way of communication, one based on and guided by making.